
7 Days Policy - Defective Returns/ DOA
ou must report any defect within seven days after receiving your item.

You will be given a replacement if possible, or a full refund. If the product was released recently, or is out of stock, you may only be offered to get a full refund, and you will have to wait until the product is in stock again to get it.

If 7 days have passed, you can either

- Return your product within 15 days (But you will have to pay all the shipping fees)
- Send your item for repairs (1 Year Warranty)

When we receive your package, it will be inspected and verified and you will receive a refund.

How long will the delivery take?
The delivery time is the estimated number of business days it takes after the product has been shipped to arrive to your location if nothing goes wrong during the delivery. To this number you must add the time it takes for your order to be fulfilled.

From China Warehouse

Economic express: 7-20 days.It typically takes approximately 30 working days or more for remote areas.